People may come from different places,
look different , have unique faces,
believe different things, have different morals,
all different, what even is normal,
we learn different lessons and have different dreams,
the outcome is never as it seems,
we believe in different gods,
different backgrounds and jobs,
people have different stories,
hardships and glories,
pain and sorrow,
but we are all one unit tomorrow,
we are all one , we used all be included,
don't cloud peoples minds or pollute it,
we are all part of one family,
carrying the same happiness and agony.
Hi! this is caitlin jade kertzman. welcome to my new blog, this blog will consist of all my poetry and now consists of all my creative expressions from writing to art to ceramics. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I'll try to post at least one a day ( even though I tend to post more ) I hope you like it.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Im going on a train to my next destination,
On to my next goal, the next station,
Each stop I keep learning,
As my goals broaden, im yearning,
For the next big chance,
The futures first glance,
Im on the train to my next goal,
Learning my next role,
Each stop I wait intensely,
I wait immensely,
For the next opportunity to arise,
As I close my eyes till sunrise
life might have its dark moments, where it seems so hopeless,
so hard to keep going, its seems hard to focus,
but life is like a tunnel it keeps going,
almost like a wave it keeps flowing,
the light might be dim but you stride on,
keep going even when people you love are gone,
life has its dark moments but you fight through,
remember you can be the best you,
the journey may not be a straight line,
roads might intertwine,
dark and light mix together,
as life goes on for what seems like forever.
so hard to keep going, its seems hard to focus,
but life is like a tunnel it keeps going,
almost like a wave it keeps flowing,
the light might be dim but you stride on,
keep going even when people you love are gone,
life has its dark moments but you fight through,
remember you can be the best you,
the journey may not be a straight line,
roads might intertwine,
dark and light mix together,
as life goes on for what seems like forever.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
through happiness and pain,
the blue skies and the rain,
life takes you through its ups and downs,
smiles and frowns,
you learn more everyday,
life challenges you in many ways,
every moment life gets harder each day,
and you grow in every aspect and every way.
and days go on and on,
and days go on and its gone,
but you put time in and effort each day,
and you grow in every way.
i have my darks and my lights,
just like the sunshine and the night,
i have my grey areas and my mistakes,
my happiness and my aches,
tides move forward and back,
shades are colors and imagery that we lack,
time shows the shade we feel,
shades of life , the color is real,
emotions are the shades that defines who we are,
like the constellations in the stars.
times change you in that one moment,
when good times fly, you gotta own it,
rain crashes and moods change,
life turns and moments rearrange.
parts of you flow differently inside,
emotions blend in and hide,
seasons show the emotions changing,
as the severity is ranging,
seasons are emotions that effect the time and place,
as time slows down and start to race,
my mind changes like the seasons each month,
as you fight through and confront.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Spark of hope
Dear god, I know when there’s a will there’s a way,
Light will shine through someday,
I know life is hard sometimes,
But I’ve been blessed with the touch of rhymes,
When life seems crazy and rough,
You wouldn’t give me anything I can’t deal with, I’m tough,
A spark of hope through the sky,
Lifting my spirits and hopes high,
And when tomorrow comes in,
Yesterday would be gone and I would win,
The courage of making it till tomorrow,
Despite yesterday’s sorrow .
My mind feels like it’s gonna break,
As my emotions make me ache,
My self esteem is fleeting ,
My hope is receding,
I’m struggling for days on end,
I know I have , but I need a friend,
I feel often alone when there’s people next to me,
Why can’t my mind let me be,
I stress to much but I’m trying,
Sometimes I’m worried I’m falling not flying,
I’m being honest but I’m scared,
I know I need to be honest and I’m trying,
Nothing seems to go my way,
I know there’s always another day,
Life seems complicated to understand,
Like some odd brand.
Struggling times
Times seem to drive me crazy,
Sometimes I don’t wanna get out of bed cause I’m lazy,
My mood seems so low these days ,
I wish tides would turn brighter ways,
My mind seems to be on a roller coaster these days,
Downs and turns in crazy ways,
I barely get a rest,
Trying my very best,
I’m struggling at the moment,
I’m admitting it and owning it,
Sometimes my emotions get the best of me,
And I wonder if my best is really working out for me.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Easy street
Easy street
Life has its ups and downs,
Dead ends where you have to turn around,
Life has its infinite amount of emotions,
Many people come in and out of
devotion ,
Mixtures of roads and pathways ,
Not always easy or a smooth way,
I’m the driver on the road down life,
Full of happiness and strife,
Life’s no easy street,
But I can overcome anything and beat,
The pain in my life,
End all my strife.
I’m walking through life on a line,
Searching for all the signs,
I’m balancing the weights on my shoulders,
as I keep striding forward,
The road seems so thin,
And I sometimes loose faith I’ll win,
But life’s a show, watch the good times,
And the bad with rhymes ,
The tightrope of life keeps me up high,
Opening my comfort zone so I can fly,
Stronger than the beginning of the walk,
Life isn’t just talk.
Fly away
Fly away
I realize now you can’t brush your problem off of your shoulders ,
Life is full of many boulders ,
You can’t fly away from the pain,
But there’s sunshine after the rain,
I have trouble realizing the pain will pass,
But I’m learning , life’s like a class,
I can barely take it in,
But I make mistakes, it’s not sin,
I can’t fly away from my issues,
I can cry and move on, grab a tissue,
Life’s a rough ride,
I’m picking up the pieces riding the tides.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Back in time
Back in time
If I could go back in time,
Tell myself my stories in rhymes,
Remind my little self of strength ,
And how I’ve come great lengths ,
If I could go back to a time I weeped,
And held my little self to sleep ,
I would tell her all the times ,
Life was precious like dimes ,
I would tell her about love and beauty,
And dedication and duty ,
And how life gets better,
Even when it’s wetter,
The sky turns from grey to blue,
And your sadness turns to smiles too,
And when you grow,
Life changes and you’ll know .
Your always there
Your always there
When I’m lost for words or need answers,
You know what to say your my enhancer,
You make things sweet when life’s sour,
Your like the magician with magical powers,
When I’m sad and need to talk,
I always feel I can walk,
And feel you by my side,
And admit my pain , I don’t have to hide,
Your always there for me,
Even though your away , you make me see,
The brighter moments through the pain,
Help me realize the sunshine after the rain.
When I’m lost for words or need answers,
You know what to say your my enhancer,
You make things sweet when life’s sour,
Your like the magician with magical powers,
When I’m sad and need to talk,
I always feel I can walk,
And feel you by my side,
And admit my pain , I don’t have to hide,
Your always there for me,
Even though your away , you make me see,
The brighter moments through the pain,
Help me realize the sunshine after the rain.
Balance beam
Balance beam
No matter how rough life seems ,
You got to roll with it, life’s a balance beam,
A balance between good times and bad,
Mixtures of happy and sad,
Your day might shift in mood,
But you cant conclude,
Your life based on the pain of one day,
Cause life changes in so many ways,
It’s a road your navigating through,
All you have is you and what you’ve been through,
Lessons and knowledge travel along the way,
And everything will be ok.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
My comeback
My Come back
I’m strong but sometimes I have doubts,
Inner Demons make me wanna shout,
Urges sometimes makes me lose my strength ,
But I’ll fight on through it the long length,
Im finding my voice,
Coming out and being honest is a choice ,
I’m overcoming the bad patch and bad things,
As my mind continues to ring ,
I’m overcoming a bad habit when I reopened the door,
Urges wants more,
But I’m fighting through my demons,
Emotions are like seasons.
Old habits
Old habits
When it’s been awhile ,
Trying to live without that habit it’s a trial ,
But when you welcome it back in,
You think about it always like a sin,
It’s a constant pain to keep thinking about it,
It’s combined with stress it won’t quit ,
My mind wanders to the wrong places,
Trying to keep my cool and warm paces,
It’s been two years since I let that go,
A little slip up who knew, I thought I would of grown,
And learned from my mistakes,
But now it’s a lingering thought that aches.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
I know what I want to do,
But I have no clue,
How to start, how to plan.
I have the ability and I can,
Plot out the road to the gaol.
I know my pathway and my role,
But I don’t know the end result ,
I need a consult.
I have goals, I have dreams,
But is it really what it seems.
is college for me ,
Can I be what I wanna be.
But no process is to hard for me,
I wanna be what I can be,
I dont know how to drive my way around,
Im just following the ambition and sound
I make mistakes, I have my flaws,
Sometimes I know the cause,
I admit im not perfect inside and out,
But I know what im all about ,
Ive made bad choices,
But I’ve developed courage to use my voices,
To speak up when I didn’t feel right,
Notice things in plain sight,
There are many things I regret,
Im a good person yet,
Im working on all aspects of me,
Until I feel im free.
Time flies by but I don’t stop loving you.
Time flies by but I don’t stop loving you.
Sometimes I look out into the empty space,
Imagine you here with me and your smiling face,
The world seems so much bigger without you,
you always knew how to navigate through,
The sun seems to shine less when your gone,
Even in Florida the sky seems push on,
Im missing the bright aura that shines through you,
When you left the world never felt the same, the sky wasn’t so blue,
So when I see a bird fly,
I wonder if it could fly by,
And send a message to you,
To remind you how much I miss being near you.
Another Language
Another Language
Letters and numbers combined in an equation,
Causing chaos in my mind and some abrasion,
Simplify and solve equations and find the solution,
Lost in the process causing confusion,
So many formulas to remember in my head,
No notes, I wish I had a cheat sheet instead,
My mind looks at math like a riddle,
And I am left stuck in the middle,
Afraid to fail the test,
In the mindset that I will do my best,
It still feels like a code I can’t solve,
But maybe it’s a problem I can resolve.
things happen for a reason
moments in life happen for a reason,
like every month has its season,
times in life might bring pain,
so does the thunder and the rain,
sometimes sad, painful things seem to always happen everyday,
but the rainbow always comes after the sky is grey,
sometimes bad vibes linger on and on,
till you lose hope it will ever be gone,
but things happen for a reason,
rain happens after the dry season,
theres peace and happiness after the storm,
as you grow and transform
Friday, April 19, 2019
Sometimes I feel like there’s to much on my plate,
So hard to bare it’s like weights ,
My mind gets overwhelmed by the baggage ,
Worried it might scar me or leave damage ,
It’s like Wright’s pulling me down,
Mixed with tears and frowns ,
My baggage is too much to carry ,
And it’s kinda scary,
I’m scared to not feel perfect inside and out,
I don’t wanna loose control and shout ,
But Im a perfectionist but I can’t do it all,
Cause I fear I’m gonna fall .
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Sometimes I feel like I live in a dream,
Unrealistic expectations or thoughts nothing as it seems ,
Sometimes I’m scared to face reality ,
Maybe it’s to protect my sanity,
I wonder if I could handle the real pain,
I’m already enduring some but there’s always rain,
Sometimes I wonder if I’m facing the truth,
Or living life in a sheltered roof,
Part of me is still a child,
Tame afraid to go wild,
I’m afraid to face the unknown,
Flowing with the undertow .
There are so many bumps,
So much I can even jump,
Over them , I’m scared to fall,
Yet I wonder if all the bumps are necessary at all,
They say life is a test,
To challenge you at your best ,
But I’ve been challenged before,
Why do I need to be challenged more,
Can I have some moments easy street,
To complete the goals I wanna complete,
But there’s no smooth sailing,
No handle or railing ,
Many bumps from here to the end,
To help you realize life is worth spent ,
to many bumps in my path,
I wonder what life’s got for me in it’s wrath.
There’s a void some sort of emptiness,
Causing my heart to feel tense,
Having to give up foods I enjoy,
Is like having to give away a kids favorite toy,
I feel bad the foods I like are no long needed ,
Sometimes seeing others eat makes me feel depleted ,
I wonder what I would do,
If foods I could eat were healthy too,
I feel uneasy and lost I feel like I can’t enjoy,
The foods I used to like it seems to destroy ,
My love for eating,
It’s like I’m lost and my joy is fleeting .
There’s a void some sort of emptiness,
Causing my heart to feel tense,
Having to give up foods I enjoy,
Is like having to give away a kids favorite toy,
I feel bad the foods I like are no long needed ,
Sometimes seeing others eat makes me feel depleted ,
I wonder what I would do,
If foods I could eat were healthy too,
I feel uneasy and lost I feel like I can’t enjoy,
The foods I used to like it seems to destroy ,
My love for eating,
It’s like I’m lost and my joy is fleeting .
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Back to the past
Back to the past.
Train ride back to the past,
Things the haunt me still lasts,
Time made me realize,
I must not give up as I keep up and try ,
My story is a long hard journey of soul searching,
Even now I’m still lurking,
Scared of the past and how it affected me,
But now I’m able to see past it and be the best I can be,
The past still has its moments,
So many mistakes I hate to own it,
But now I’m able to see what the past taught me,
All the mistakes I made, made me who I wanna be.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Listening to the rap music reminds me of you,
How you loved listening to all that, now I do too,
It reminds me of how happy it made you feel,
And how it helped you relate ,it was real,
I listen to it all now a days,
It was like the old ways ,
It helps me connect to you,
Even when I can’t feel you ,
When I listen to rap it makes me smile,
Reliving your favorite music while,
Your gone I still feel your near,
Rap music makes me realize your here.
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