Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Pieces of me

I’m nothing like I was before ,
I am the same me ,but worth more,
Yesterday was different from today,
But I’m the same any other way ,

Things change my life for the good and the bad,
Memories and moments make me happy and sad,
But nothing changes me from before and now,
But yet something did , I don’t know ,

To explain the situation on paper,
Because part of me grew and changed like a skyscraper,
My heart and mind changed significantly through the years ,
Despite all the pain and tears,

The peices of me are who I am today,
Even if it was different from who
I was in May,
I’m still me inside and out,
And this is how I came about,

The peices of me,
Became who I am and who I’m meant to be 

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